Overview of this term.

We have finished school for our Easter holiday and i think now is a good time to reflect on my work in my projects and gather my ideas for what i am going to do over the holiday.

Textiles- Amulet project:
Using recycled materials is part of the project brief. An exhibit at the Big Bang Data really inspired me to use reisps and paper we all collect daily such as bus and train tickets, and then throw away- which links to this part of the breif.
I joined the paper with masking tape and then drew onto it using my drawings from the Pitt Rivers (shown on the right).

I then took apart the paper isolating parts of the drawing and giving them a new abstract spin.
The drawn masking tape I found really interesting visually, I arranged them and am now going to find a way to recreate them.

We have been learning different weaving techniques and I have really enjoyed doing tapestry. This is a sample piece which I have still got to finish but I think I would like to continue with this technique and perhaps turn my the masking tape drawings into weaves.

The ceramic tiles which I printed with slips- shown in my last post, have now been bisque fired and I have to decide what to put on my tiles. I have drawn using under glaze pencil some of my drawings from the Pitt Rivers.

Ceramics- Refugee Project:
I have now put ceramic decals onto my cups I am pleased with the result but next week I need to do more drawings for this project.

This is an image of my coil pot part way through construction, I am really pleased with the shape of the pot and next week I need experiment with designs to put on the outside.

These are some images of my screen prints although I like my last prints of the frog the prints are not really in my style. So I changed my screen and drew directly onto the screen with block out ink which gives this loose drawn effect. This design can be more experimental with the colour and in composition.

Also this week I have put my final layer onto my litho print, I love this method of print and the range of marks created, this print has 5 layers on. I am pleased with the result and am excited to see how we can use this method of print in the future.
Next week I will continue to draw for this project and research how I can push my prints further.
