Amulet project

we are mid way through the amlet project so i thought it was a good time to reveiw how I am doing and where I am going next.

Following the marks within the drawings that I took apart, I transformed into a weave.
I feel this piece is not as strong as my sample piece as there are areas of block colour which I do not particularly like. I prefer the fine weaving with lots of colour change.
I still believe the  idea of weaving strips could be interesting and would like to keep experimenting with this and think if I were to change the scale of the piece I would be happier with the result.

I have decided to start a new piece of weaving in a fine style, which means it is very time consuming, but this time using a limited colour palette and keeping the design simple. My idea for this piece is to add beads or tokens into it shown on my drawing (on the right).

Although I like to technique of weaving some of my drawings have a lovely style which I do not want to loose so another piece I have started uses lino which I hope to build up in layers as at the moment i feel the print is too 'flat'. I would also like to experiment printing onto fabric and then stitching into it.

I have many ideas of where I would like to go within this project and I look forward to resolving some of these.
